
We know what you’re here for, so we won’t waste your time. Check out a selection of our work below for a taste of what we can do for you.

Our Services

We don’t just slap together some pretty colors and call it a day. At Brookstuy, we first seek to gain a deep understanding of the product we’re marketing and only then do we proceed with brainstorming and design.


Before you know where you’re going, you must first know where you’re coming from. It’s a good life tip, and it’s essential packaging design advice. We begin each new project with an in-depth analysis of the market, the competition, and the target audience.

Brand Strategy

Once we’ve gathered all the essential intel, we can start to formulate a brand communication strategy. This is when we determine how we’ll position the brand and, by extension, the product. We’ll construct a message and consider how to best convey it via design to achieve your key business goals.

Product Photography

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a picture of your product on its packaging is priceless. Shoppers appreciate the honesty of it and can better visualize incorporating the product in their lives, thus leading to a greater likelihood of their purchasing it.

Packaging Design

Finally, we get to the actual design process. At this point, we already know what the competition looks like so we know exactly how your product should be portrayed as well how to help it stand out. We apply key design principles to achieve aesthetically-pleasing packaging that will showcase your product to advantage.

About Brookstuy

Let’s face it: people judge books by their covers and products by their packaging. In fact, it’s said that packaging influences 80% of consumer behavior. That means that packaging design has the ability to make or break a product. You can be selling the coolest/yummiest/best thing since sliced bread, but if the packaging is “meh,” no one will ever test/taste/try it.
At Brookstuy, our sole focus is product packaging. By concentrating on this single discipline, we’ve gained a deep understanding of the field, of what works and what doesn’t, and of what it takes to get a shopper to pick up your product over that of a competitor.
Whether or not a customer becomes a repeat customer is up to you. But getting that customer in the first place? Transforming shoppers into customers? That’s all Brookstuy.

The Team

We’re a crew of creative brand experts with the talent and know-how to launch your product into customers’ shopping carts. We understand branded packaging at a fundamental level and are uniquely suited to designing exceptional product packaging that attracts your target market. In order to actualize your vision into something tangible, we work closely with you, weaving together your aspirations with hard facts and consumer insights.


CEO & Founder


Art Director / Design Strategy


Senior Copywriter


Product Manager / Graphic Design

Proud to have worked with


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Intrigued by our work? Have a question? Want Brookstuy to help catapult your product into prominence? Get in touch today—give us a call, send us an email, shoot us a message below, or write a letter via snail mail (jk, don’t write us a letter).

836 Dekalb Ave
Brooklyn, New York, 11221
(718) 625-8564